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Business Leadership (BOH 4M1)

Welcome to the Business Leadership course. This course is designed to be truly experiential and test all aspects of your abilities.


Unit #1: Business in the 21st Century







Student Support Guide
Leadership Letter
Dock Talks
Organization Evaluation
The Michael House Project
Leadership Evaluation
Amazing Race @ Camp Tawingo
Hogwarts Challenge: BOHT RACE
The Hunger Games
Unit #1 Strategic Leadership Test
Unit #2: â€‹Foundations of Management


Management Evaluation
Google Case Study
Stress Management
Sales Strategies Workshop
Amazing Race @ NYC
Hogwarts Challenge: Bottle Drive
Unit #2 Management Test
Student Support Guide
Unit #3: â€‹Social Responsibility and Ethics


Hogwarts Challenge: Grand River Project
McDonalds Case Study
Leadership Evaluation
Hogwarts Challenge: Stroms Farm
Hogwarts Challenge: Social Impact Project
Student Support Guide
Unit #4: Leadership


Toyota Plant - Operations Management
The Interview
Leadership Performance Appraisal
Angels Diner Speeches
The Amazing Race @ Toronto
Dragons Den Challenge @ Toronto
Hogwarts Challenge: Sledge Hockey
CEO Speech Exemplar
Final Culminating:


Business Leadership (BOH 4M1)


#1: Undertand management principles

#2: Be effective leaders in today's business world

#3: Plan and implement socially responsible stratgies necessary in operating a successful venture.



#1: Understand the elements of today's changing business world

#2: Be able to identify the factors that contribue to an organizations sucess.

#3: Demonstrate successful business strategies to support organizational success.



#1: Understand different theories to management and leading.

#2: Be able to implement managememnt strategies to support your leaderhip style.

#3: Demonstrate the skills necessary for successful management.



#1: Know the different managememnt perspecitives to dealing with ethical dilemmas. 

#2: Demonstrate the ability to properly assess and act in ethical decision making.

#3: Develop successful leadership skills and character traits.


Unit #4 GOALS:

#1: Demonstrate effective teamwork and leadership abilities.

#2: Execute highly effective strategies in all areas of PLOC Management.

#3: Identify personal SWOT characteristics and how they translate to future pathways.




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